Our Services

Les séances d'exercice adaptées d'Action Santé Mobilité Plus de LavalAction Santé Mobilité Plus offers exercises sessions customized specifically for independent elders, for people dealing with reduced mobility or for people suffering from chronic pain. We travel to the centers, residences, or associations as needed. We offer several exercise programs for independent seniors, including a falls prevention program, a fitness maintening program (level 1), a fitness maintening program (level 2) and an inpool exercises sessions according to the convenience of your residence. Furthermore, we are offering business services to residences for seniors and various associations. These “à la carte” services are adapted according to the needs of their clientele.

Research shows that half of loss of autonomy is due to physical inactivity and not aging. Daily living activities such as cleaning, go shopping and go out are not sufficient to maintain fitness. It is therefore recommended that people over age 65 participate in physical activities on a regular basis. These activities should be fun and safe.

There are many benefits to perform physical exercise. Here are some of them :

Physical Benefits Psychological Benefits
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Allows better control of diabetes
  • Improves fitness
  • Helps maintain healthy weight
  • Improves posture and balance
  • Maintain healthy bones
  • Helps preserve autonomy
  • Allows you to keep mobility
  • Increases energy levels
  • Leads to physical relaxation
  • Facilitates sleep
  • Decreases the risk of premature death
  • Improves mood
  • Helps to better manage stress
  • Relieves anxiety and depression
  • Increases self esteem
  • Allows social interaction
  • Leads to mental and emotional relaxation



Currently offered programs are : 

A fall prevention program for retirees.
Fitness maintaning program for elders (level 1).
Fitness maintaning program for elders (level 2).  
Pool exercises program. 


We also offer personal services as well as business services. Please inquire for our fees. Should you have any questions, we will be glad to respond. Above all, do not hesitate to contact us.


Bouger+, le programme de prévention des chutes d'Action Santé Mobilité Plus de Laval Maintien+ le programme de maintien de la forme offert chez Action Santé Mobilité Plus de Laval Actif+ le programme de maintien de la forme (niveau 2) offert chez Action Santé Mobilité Plus de Laval Aquaforme+ le programme d'exercices adaptés en piscine offert chez Action Santé Mobilité Plus de Laval