
Program Maintien+ is aimed at an autonomous retired clientele wishing to continue an exercise program after completing the Bouger+ program. Program Maintien+  allows to keep them healthy habits acquired during that previous program by maintaining your fitness. A fact sheet about main exercises learned during classes will be given at the end of each course. These sheets will enable you to safely practice the exercises taught in the comfort of your home. Remember, it only takes a few minutes a day to make a difference to your health. You are now in control of your quality of life. Simply said : « Move More, Live Better ! »

Why ?

The human body is designed to move. Exercise is good for health. According to Public Health Agency of Canada :

« Physical activity plays an important role in the health, well-being and quality of life of Canadians. People who are physically active live longer, healthier lives. Active people are more productive, and more likely to avoid illness and injury. »

Maintien+ le programme de maintien de la forme offert chez Action Santé Mobilité Plus de LavalAs you know now, it is strongly advisable to engage in major muscle group strengthening activities at least twice a week in order to improve your posture and balance. Reinforcements help increase strength, power, endurance and muscle mass. These strengthening exercises have a favorable impact on bone structure and improve strength. Aerobic exercises of moderate intensity (rhythmic walking, dancing, water aerobics, etc.) for a weekly total of at least 2 hours are also recommended to optimize the benefits of physical activity. These aerobic exercise should be divided into several sessions during the week. These sessions can vary from 10 minutes or more depending on your tolerance. Furthermore, aerobic activity, also called endurance activity, improves your cardiorespiratory capacity.

Consult our brochure Maintien+ (french only, english coming soon)

 Maintien+ le programme de maintien de la forme offert chez Action Santé Mobilité Plus de Laval