Falls prevention among seniors

Falls prevention among seniors

Category : Conferences

Did you jnow tht according to Health Canada, one in three, aged 65 years and older, falls each year. For each faller, 50% will fall again in the same year. Falls outcomes are numerous and variable. They are responsible, among others, for fear of falling again. This fear could limit your physical and social activities, decrease your confidence, and sometimes cause pain that could eventually become persistent. This set of causes and effects creates a vicious circle. Consequently, all these factors unfortunately lead to a loss of autonomy.

What can we do ? How can we avoid them ?

This conference is for people interested in finding out more about the subject in order to identify, analyze and make necessary changes to prevent them.

Maintain our health and our independance is essential to maintain our quality of life.


  • Conference for a period of about 45 minutes
  • Agenda:
    • Definition of a fall
    • Consequences
    • Statistics
    • Risk factors
    • Actions and solutions
    • Conclusion and questions period

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