
“The instructor’s dynamism was contagious and the music is well chosen. The group exercises were very pleasant and were provided in a genuine camaraderie. A thousand times Bravo! Good luck to those who enroll in their classes.”
Nathalie L. – participant

To attend such courses is getting in shape. Marie-Claude is a true “ray of sunshine”. She brings proper methods. She is a “boute-en-train ” like none. Congratulations and good luck. See you soon I hope.”
Louise V. – participant 

“I hope to see you at the next session.”
Monique L. – participant

“Move More, Live Better ! This is what I discovered after only a few lessons with Action Santé Mobilité Plus. Really good way to regain our youthful flexibility. Their knowledge of the muscular and skeletal system are doing that many small “bobos” due to age, just disappear. Result: You feel more skillful, more balanced and more energetic. Try it and adopt it, which I did with pleasure !”
Jean-Claude R. – participant

“We greatly appreciated the exercise sessions offered by Action Santé Mobilité Plus. By adjusting the content to the interests of our customers demonstrated great professionalism to our seniors. Your energy, your knowledge for the needs of elderly and your concern for the safety concept have contributed to a great success. We certainly will retain your services subsequently. Thank you for your great services.”
Ginette Lavigne – Manager