Marie-Claude Renaud

Marie-Claude Renaud d'Action Santé Mobilité Plus de LavalMarie-Claude Renaud likes challenges and she is passionate. Curious, she is always abreast of the latest health discoveries. She likes to help others and make a difference. She is an excellent motivator and her good humor allows her to make exercises sessions very enjoyable and challenging. She can adapt to various situations that may arise in the context of a geriatric environment with multiple kinds of personality and pathology.

Marie-Claude has 5 years experience in private physiotherapy clinic. During her practice, she developed an interest for clients with chronic pain which prompted her to pursue her studies in this area. Furthermore, she leads water aerobics classes adapted for people suffering from various diseases.

During her studies, Marie-Claude lead groups of exercises suitable for people in wheelchairs, suffering from Parkinson’s disease as well as pool exercises for groups of people with severe balance disorders and reduced mobility .

Marie-Claude has a degree in physical rehabilitation and is now retired from l’Ordre professionnel de la physiothérapie du Québec. She is currently completing a university certificate in “motor and sensory rehabilitation” at the University of Quebec in order to better understand neurophysiology, neuropsychology and psychomotor rehabilitation, capacity in physical disability and the phenomenon of pain.